Saturday, July 8, 2017

Car Gala 2017 Photoshoot

       It's been a while since my last blog! Lol. No time and etc. But my soul feels like a want to share with the world thing I like!
       It's interesting but when I started this blog, I was thinking to talk about fashion, things I like in fashion, history and trends. But not about myself. I feel like i always been a shy artists. I always been shy about myself and what i do. so I decided why not to mix it up a bit and tell the world (or whoever wants to know) about what I'm doing))).
       First thing first. I'm a designer, Russian, Living in California in the small studio in Sacramento, CA. Love doing Custom design pieces, work on the movie sets and be a part of photoshoots. So I like to be as creative as I can possibly be. Trying never say No to opportunities. It's exhausting but manageable.
       For the first post (just to show who I am) I decided to pick recent Photoshoot. I happened to be a part of. The photoshoot as a promo for an upcoming Car Gala which happens yearly in Sacramento.
       Hope you enjoy it as much as I did !

Designer : Anastasia Kryukova
Stylist , Mua and Hair by Rosalind Hall-Sharp
Model : Savana Sharp 

Location San Fransisco, CA


  1. I love the colour, the sheen of the fabric, and the design of the dress in the first three photos, as well as the pretty print and the design of the dress in the 4th and 5th photos. Your fashion designs are gorgeous!!!!!! Are you by any chance THE Anastasia Kryukova of @designbyak on Twitter and fashion designer for the website Be AK Couture? Kudos on all of your beautiful fashion designs!!!!!
    My Twitter: @Panty_Buns

  2. P.S.: I am no longer on Twitter, but I do, however, still have a fashion blog and a YouTube channel.
    I hope you will become active again here and on YouTube! :D
    My most recent lingerie fashion blog post, on May 3rd, 2024 is titled:
    No Pants Day 2024 - Recycling Old FREE for RE-USE Photos of Myself Wearing Ladies-Panties
    ...and my lingerie fashion modelling and review videos are on (misterpantybuns's channel) customer blouse and panty review videos.
    I released all of the photos and videos of myself modelling ladies panties into the PUBLIC DOMAIN (Labeled FREE for REUSE) as I was making them.
