Thursday, January 30, 2014

2014 Fashion trends and you can make it yourself! - Handmade necklace

Very popular these days crocheted  jewelry. Fine handmade things become more valuable then gold for fashionistas.
            Oversize necklaces are extremely relevant. And it is especially very precious handmade items. Let's take knitting which is one of the most common among handicrafts. Knitted jewelry adequately took its place among handmade ornaments. The easiest way to wrap a bead is to use wooden beads (photo 3). Another easy way to make knitted necklace is to tie a strip from metallic yarn, then tie it “in an accordion ", and attach to a tape (photo 5). But there are much more other options. The options like an interweaving beads and even mini - portraits made like framed. You can easily create your own original jewelry with
crochet pattern.

 Наше колье украшено бусинами
 Necklace decorated with beads

 Схема вязания

 Knitting scheme
Бусины, обвязанные пряжей, и не обвязанные
 Beads which tied with yarn, and not

 Шары, цветы и бусины
 Oversize beads, flowers and regular beads

 В городском стиле из металлизированной пряжи
 The urban style with metallic yarn

 Очаровательные ромашки и шары

 Charming daisies and beads

С фуксиями и колечками

Перья павлина
 "Peacock feathers"

 Весенние нарциссы сияют как солнце

                  Here is also some of the examples from runways with handmade jewelry!


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